Thursday, February 11, 2016

TIPs: Getting off the hoverboard

This morning on the way to office I saw a guy who was learning to ride his new hoverboard. While trying to get off it safely, he made a mistake stepping forward instead of stepping back. 

He reminded me myself when I was making my first hoverboard rides. And most of the beginners make this mistake. This morning scene inspired me to write tips how to get off the hoverboard safely, avoid injuries and unpleasant emotions and protect the hoverboard from scratches.

The first intuitive reaction is to step forward when trying to get off the hoverboard. Stepping forward is very dangerous as hoverboard slips out on you and you fall. To step off the hoveboard safely you simply need to shift your balance on dominant foot, and then step off with your non-dominant foot.

An easy way to remember this is that you should get off a hoverboard the same way you get on it. We all stand behind a hoverboard and step on one foot at the time. Why would you get off another way? 

You might want to Practice just stepping on and off for a little while to get used to it.

Hope this information is useful and your first hoverboard riding experience will pleasant. For more details please visit us @

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